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- /*
- ==========================================================================
- Module: debugger.js
- ==========================================================================
- JS functionality for JavaScript Debugger.
- ==========================================================================
- The Software, including this file, is subject to the End User License
- Agreement.
- Copyright (c) 1998-2002, Adobe Systems Incorporated, All Rights Reserved.
- ==========================================================================
- */
- // The following code "exports" any strings in the list into the current scope.
- var msgStrings = new Array(
- for(var n = 0; n < msgStrings.length; n++)
- eval(msgStrings[n] + " = " + getString({cPlugInName: "EScript", cStringId: msgStrings[n]}).toSource());
- printConsole(IDS_STARTUP_DEBUGGER_MSG+"\n");
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Hook functions */
- var debugVerbose = false;
- var jsStack = null;
- var hookType;
- var currentFrame;
- var resumeCode = 1;
- var stepType = -1;
- var startPC = 0;
- var startLineno = 0;
- var startFrame = 0;
- var startFileName = "";
- var startFunname = "";
- var curProps = null;
- var curScript = null;
- var bpCreate = true;
- const TMODE_IGNORE = 0;
- const TMODE_TRACE = 1;
- const TMODE_BREAK = 2;
- const PROTOTYPE = "[[Prototype]]";
- const PARENT = "[[Parent]]";
- const FOLDER_LEVEL = "Folder-Level";
- jsd.SetScriptHook(scriptHook);
- jsd.SetExecutionHook(execHook);
- function stepNext() {
- return (jsStack[0].pc < startPC && jsStack[0].lineno != startLineno || jsStack[0].lineno > startLineno);
- }
- function shouldStop() {
- // In case we've hit an exception.
- if (hookType == jsd.JSD_HOOK_THROW) {
- var tMode = getThrowMode();
- switch (tMode) {
- return false;
- break;
- var displayString = IDS_EXCEPTION_INLINE.replace('%d', jsStack[0].lineno);
- displayString = displayString.replace('%s', jsStack[0].script.funName);
- displayString = displayString.replace('%s', jsStack[0].script.fileName);
- printConsole(displayString);
- return tMode == TMODE_BREAK ? true : false;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- // if we reach hook due to an interrupt, it's probably a step.
- if (hookType == jsd.JSD_HOOK_INTERRUPTED) {
- switch (stepType) {
- case 0: // Step Byte Code
- return true;
- break;
- case 1: // Step Into
- return (jsStack[0].script.fileName != startFileName ||
- jsStack[0].script.funName != startFunname) ? true : stepNext();
- break;
- case 2: // Step Over
- return (jsStack.length-1 <= startFrame) ? stepNext() : false;
- break;
- case 3: // Step Out (of function)
- {
- if (debugVerbose)
- printConsole("condition: "+(jsStack.length-1 < startFrame)+" stepNext: "+stepNext()+"\n");
- return (jsStack.length-1 < startFrame) ? stepNext() : false;
- }
- break;
- default: // This in case interrupt button is on, but we're not stepping.
- return true;
- break;
- }
- }
- // make sure we're not stepping.
- if (stepType == -1) {
- // if we reach hook due to a breakpoint, it's a breakpoint.
- if (hookType == jsd.JSD_HOOK_BREAKPOINT) {
- var bpIndex = getBPIndex(jsStack[0].script.fileName, jsStack[0].lineno);
- if (bpIndex != -1) {
- var ret = debugEval(breakpoints[bpIndex].condition);
- if (debugVerbose)
- printConsole(breakpoints[bpIndex].condition+": "+ ret +"\n");
- if (ret == "true") {
- if (debugVerbose)
- printConsole(typeof(ret) + ": Ok\n");
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- // if we reach hook due to "debugger keyword", it's a breakpoint.
- if (hookType == jsd.JSD_HOOK_DEBUGGER_KEYWORD)
- return true;
- }
- // No, we're not going to stop.
- return false;
- }
- function GetTextFromFilename(filename) {
- var handle = jsd.FindSourceForURL(filename);
- if (handle == null)
- return printConsole(IDS_UNABLE_FINDSOURCE.replace('%s', filename));
- return jsd.GetSourceText(handle);
- }
- function execHook(type) {
- /* we reset these globals. hookType is reason for stoping. */
- jsStack = null;
- currentFrame = 0;
- hookType = type;
- buildStack();
- if (debugVerbose) {
- printConsole("hookType: "+hookType+" stepType: "+stepType+"\n");
- printConsole("lineno: "+jsStack[0].lineno+" fileName: "+jsStack[0].script.fileName+"\n");
- }
- if (shouldStop()) {
- openDebugger();
- unsuspend();
- // reset these.
- resumeCode = -1;
- stepType = -1;
- selectScriptLine(jsStack[0].lineno, jsStack[0].script.fileName, "", 0);
- suspendThread();
- if (debugVerbose)
- printConsole("resumeCode: "+resumeCode+"\n");
- return resumeCode;
- }
- }
- function scriptHook(handle, creating) {
- if (creating) {
- JSDScript.add(new JSDScript(handle,
- jsd.GetScriptFilename(handle),
- jsd.GetScriptFunctionName(handle),
- jsd.GetScriptBaseLineNumber(handle),
- jsd.GetScriptLineExtent(handle)));
- setAllBreakpointsForScript(handle);
- } else {
- JSDScript.remove(JSDScript.find(handle));
- }
- return true;
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* JSDScript Object */
- function JSDScript(handle, fileName, funName, base, extent) {
- this.handle = handle;
- this.fileName = fileName;
- this.funName = (funName != null && funName.length ? funName : IDS_TOP_LEVEL);
- this.base = base;
- this.extent = extent;
- this.toString = function() {return (funName != null && funName.length ? funName : IDS_TOP_LEVEL)}
- if (debugVerbose)
- printConsole(fileName + ":" + base + ":" + extent +"\n");
- }
- JSDScript.scripts = new Object;
- JSDScript.add = function(script) {
- JSDScript.scripts[script.handle] = script;
- addPCMap(script);
- /* use this to see the final pcMap on the console
- if (script.toString() == "top_level" && script.fileName == "Folder-Level:App:aform.js")
- {
- var filePCMap = findPCMap(script);
- for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(150, filePCMap.exec.length); i++)
- printConsole(i + ":" + filePCMap.exec[i] +"\n");
- }
- */
- }
- JSDScript.remove = function(script) {
- if (script) {
- if (debugVerbose)
- printConsole(script.fileName + ":" + script.funName +"\n");
- delete JSDScript.scripts[script.handle];
- if (script.fileName.substr(0, FOLDER_LEVEL.length) != FOLDER_LEVEL)
- deletePCMap(script);
- }
- }
- JSDScript.find = function(handle) {
- return JSDScript.scripts[handle];
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* PCMaps Array */
- var scriptPCMaps = new Array;
- function filePCMap(fileName) {
- this.fileName = fileName;
- this.exec = new Array();
- }
- function findPCMapFromFilename(fileName) {
- for(var i = 0; i < scriptPCMaps.length; i++) {
- if (scriptPCMaps[i].fileName == fileName)
- return scriptPCMaps[i];
- }
- return null;
- }
- function findPCMap(script) {
- var pcMap = findPCMapFromFilename(script.fileName);
- if (!pcMap) {
- pcMap = new filePCMap(script.fileName);
- scriptPCMaps.push(pcMap);
- }
- return pcMap;
- }
- function addPCMap(script) {
- var filePCMap = findPCMap(script);
- for(var i = script.base; i < script.base+script.extent; i++) {
- var line = jsd.GetClosestLine(script.handle, jsd.GetClosestPC(script.handle, i));
- filePCMap.exec[i] = filePCMap.exec[i] || (i == line) ? true : false;
- if (debugVerbose)
- printConsole(i + ":" + filePCMap.exec[i] +"\n");
- }
- }
- function deletePCMap(script) {
- for(var i = 0; i < scriptPCMaps.length; i++) {
- if (scriptPCMaps[i].fileName == script.fileName) {
- delete scriptPCMaps[i];
- scriptPCMaps.splice(i, 1);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- function canSetBreakpoint(fileName, lineNum) {
- var pcMap = findPCMapFromFilename(fileName);
- if (pcMap != undefined)
- return pcMap.exec[lineNum];
- return true;
- }
- function pcMapExists(fileName) {
- if (findPCMapFromFilename(fileName))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* JSDFrame (jsStack) Object */
- function JSDFrame(handle) {
- this.handle = handle;
- this.script = JSDScript.find(jsd.GetScriptForStackFrame(handle));
- this.pc = jsd.GetPCForStackFrame(handle);
- this.lineno = jsd.GetClosestLine(this.script.handle, this.pc);
- }
- function buildStack() {
- var count = jsd.GetCountOfStackFrames();
- jsStack = new Array(count);
- jsStack[0] = new JSDFrame(jsd.GetStackFrame());
- for(var i = 0; i < count-1; i++)
- jsStack[i+1] = new JSDFrame(jsd.GetCallingStackFrame(jsStack[i].handle));
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* JSDProperty Object */
- function JSDProperty(propValue, readOnly) {
- this.value = propValue;
- this.type = (jsd.IsValueObject(propValue) ? "o" : "") +
- (jsd.IsValueInt(propValue) ? "i" : "") +
- (jsd.IsValueDouble(propValue) ? "d" : "") +
- (jsd.IsValueString(propValue) ? "s" : "") +
- (jsd.IsValueBoolean(propValue) ? "b" : "") +
- (jsd.IsValueVoid(propValue) ? "u" : "") +
- (readOnly ? "r" : "w");
- this.valString = jsd.GetValueString(propValue);
- // this.count = jsd.GetCountOfProperties(propValue);
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* JSDValue Object */
- function JSDValue(handle) {
- if (!handle)
- return null;
- this.handle = handle;
- this.a = new Array();
- this.GetPropNames = function() {return this.a;}
- this.GetProperties = function() {
- var o = new Object();
- jsd.IterateProperties(this.handle, cb, o, this.a);
- if (jsd.GetValueClassName(this.handle) != "Array")
- this.a.sort();
- var protoValue = jsd.GetValuePrototype(this.handle);
- if (protoValue) {
- o[PROTOTYPE] = new JSDProperty(protoValue, true);
- this.a.unshift(PROTOTYPE);
- }
- var parentValue = jsd.GetValueParent(this.handle);
- if (parentValue) {
- o[PARENT] = new JSDProperty(parentValue, true);
- this.a.unshift(PARENT);
- }
- return o;
- }
- function cb(ob, prop, o, a) {
- var propValue = jsd.GetPropertyValue(prop);
- if (!jsd.IsValueFunction(propValue)) {
- var propName = jsd.GetValueString(jsd.GetPropertyName(prop));
- if (propName != "__privateErase") {
- o[propName] = new JSDProperty(propValue, (jsd.GetPropertyFlags(prop) & jsd.JSDPD_READONLY));
- a.push(propName);
- // if (debugVerbose)
- // printConsole(propName+":"+jsd.GetValueString(propValue)+"\n");
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Breakpoints */
- breakpoints = new Array();
- function enumBreakpoints() {
- for(var i = 0; i < breakpoints.length; i++)
- regBreakpoint(i, breakpoints[i].fileName, breakpoints[i].lineNum, breakpoints[i].condition);
- }
- function setBreakpoints(pddHandle, bpArray) {
- for(var i = 0; i < bpArray.length; i++) {
- var fileName = bpArray[i].fileName;
- if (fileName.substr(fileName.length - 3) != ".js")
- setBreakpoint(pddHandle, fileName, bpArray[i].lineNum, bpArray[i].condition);
- }
- }
- function Breakpoint(pddHandle, fileName, lineNum, condition) {
- this.pddHandle = pddHandle;
- this.fileName = fileName;
- this.lineNum = lineNum;
- this.condition = condition;
- this.isSet = false;
- }
- function getBPIndex(fileName, lineNum) {
- for(var i = 0; i < breakpoints.length; i++)
- if (breakpoints[i].fileName == fileName && breakpoints[i].lineNum == lineNum)
- return i;
- return -1;
- }
- function bpCallback(handle, fileName, lineno, set) {
- var script = JSDScript.find(handle);
- if (script && script.fileName == fileName) {
- if (script.base <= lineno && script.base+script.extent > lineno)
- {
- var pc = jsd.GetClosestPC(handle, lineno);
- if (lineno == jsd.GetClosestLine(handle, pc)) {
- set ? jsd.SetTrap(handle, pc) : jsd.ClearTrap(handle, pc);
- bpCreate = true;
- // printConsole((set ? "set" : "clear") + fileName +"\n");
- return false; // if iterating, stop, as we found bp.
- }
- } else {
- bpCreate = false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- function setAllBreakpointsForScript(handle) {
- for(var i = 0; i < breakpoints.length; i++) {
- bpCreate = false;
- bpCallback(handle, breakpoints[i].fileName, breakpoints[i].lineNum, true);
- if (bpCreate)
- breakpoints[i].isSet = true;
- }
- var script = JSDScript.find(handle);
- if (script.funName == "") {
- for(var i = 0; i < breakpoints.length; i++) {
- if (breakpoints[i].fileName == script.fileName && !breakpoints[i].isSet) {
- var displayString = IDS_INVALID_BPLINE.replace('%d', breakpoints[i].lineNum);
- displayString = displayString.replace('%s', breakpoints[i].fileName);
- printConsole(displayString);
- updateBreakpoint(false, breakpoints[i].lineNum, i, breakpoints[i].fileName, breakpoints[i].condition);
- delete breakpoints[i];
- breakpoints.splice(i, 1);
- i--;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function setBreakpoint(pddHandle, fileName, lineNum, condition) {
- bpCreate = canSetBreakpoint(fileName, lineNum);
- if (bpCreate) {
- var bpIndex = getBPIndex(fileName, lineNum);
- if (bpIndex == -1) {
- jsd.IterateScripts(bpCallback, fileName, lineNum, true);
- var theCondition = (condition == undefined) ? "true" : condition;
- breakpoints[breakpoints.length] = new Breakpoint(pddHandle, fileName, lineNum, theCondition);
- updateBreakpoint(true, lineNum, breakpoints.length-1, fileName, theCondition);
- saveBreakpoints();
- }
- if (debugVerbose)
- printConsole("breakpoint set at line "+pddHandle+" of "+fileName+"\n");
- } else {
- var displayString = IDS_INVALID_BREAKPOINT.replace('%d', lineNum);
- displayString = displayString.replace('%s', fileName);
- displayAlert(displayString);
- }
- }
- function clearBreakpoint(fileName, lineNum) {
- var bpIndex = getBPIndex(fileName, lineNum);
- if (bpIndex != -1) {
- jsd.IterateScripts(bpCallback, fileName, lineNum, false);
- delete breakpoints[bpIndex];
- breakpoints.splice(bpIndex, 1);
- updateBreakpoint(false, lineNum, bpIndex, fileName, "");
- saveBreakpoints();
- }
- if (debugVerbose)
- printConsole("breakpoint cleared at line "+lineNum+" of "+fileName+"\n");
- }
- function clearBreakpointsForDoc(pddHandle) {
- for(var i = 0; i < breakpoints.length; i++) {
- if (breakpoints[i].pddHandle == pddHandle) {
- updateBreakpoint(false, breakpoints[i].lineNum, i, breakpoints[i].fileName, breakpoints[i].condition);
- delete breakpoints[i];
- breakpoints.splice(i, 1);
- i--;
- }
- }
- }
- function toggleBreakpoint(pddHandle, fileName, lineNum, condition) {
- var bpIndex = getBPIndex(fileName, lineNum);
- if (bpIndex == -1)
- setBreakpoint(pddHandle, fileName, lineNum, condition);
- else
- clearBreakpoint(fileName, lineNum);
- }
- function updateBreakpointsForScript(fileName) {
- for(var i = 0; i < breakpoints.length; i++) {
- if (breakpoints[i].fileName == fileName)
- updateBreakpoint(true, breakpoints[i].lineNum, i, fileName, breakpoints[i].condition);
- }
- }
- function changeBPCondition(i, newCondition) {
- if (i >= 0 && i < breakpoints.length && newCondition) {
- breakpoints[i].condition = newCondition;
- updateBreakpoint(true, breakpoints[i].lineNum, i, breakpoints[i].fileName, breakpoints[i].condition);
- saveBreakpoints();
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* JSDebugger dialog uses this API. */
- function unsuspend() {
- if (jsd.InterruptSet) {
- jsd.ClearInterrupt();
- updateStopIcon();
- }
- }
- function suspend() {
- if (!jsd.InterruptSet) {
- jsd.SendInterrupt();
- updateStopIcon();
- }
- }
- function isInterruptSet() {
- return jsd.InterruptSet;
- }
- function step(type) {
- if (jsStack) {
- stepType = type;
- /* frame for step is always 0. */
- startPC = jsStack[0].pc;
- startLineno = jsStack[0].lineno;
- startFileName = jsStack[0].script.fileName;
- startFunname = jsStack[0].script.funName;
- startFrame = jsStack.length-1;
- suspend();
- resume();
- }
- }
- function quit() {
- clearStack();
- clearInspector();
- curProps = null;
- curScript = null;
- unsuspend();
- stepType = -1;
- }
- function resume(code) {
- if (arguments.length &&
- resumeCode = code;
- } else {
- if (hookType == jsd.JSD_HOOK_THROW)
- else
- resumeCode = jsd.JSD_HOOK_RETURN_CONTINUE;
- }
- }
- function listRecursive(bThis) {
- if (jsStack) {
- if (jsStack[currentFrame].script.toString() != curScript)
- clearInspector();
- var callObjHandle = bThis ? jsd.GetThisForStackFrame(jsStack[currentFrame].handle) :
- jsd.GetScopeChainForStackFrame(jsStack[currentFrame].handle);
- displayRecursive(false, callObjHandle);
- curScript = jsStack[currentFrame].script.toString();
- }
- }
- function displayRecursive(isNode, callObjHandle) {
- if (callObjHandle) {
- var callObj = new JSDValue(callObjHandle);
- if (callObj) {
- var props = callObj.GetProperties();
- if (props) {
- var namesArray = callObj.GetPropNames();
- for(var i = 0; i < namesArray.length; i++) {
- var name = namesArray[i];
- var isExpanded = printInspector(isNode, i, props[name].type, name, props[name].valString);
- if (isExpanded && props[name].type[0] == "o") {
- displayRecursive(true, props[name].value);
- if (debugVerbose)
- printConsole(name+":"+props[name].valString+"\n");
- }
- isNode = false;
- }
- getParentList();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function where() {
- if (jsStack) {
- for(var i = 0; i < jsStack.length; i++) {
- var displayString = IDS_STACK_STRING.replace('%d', jsStack[i].lineno);
- displayString = displayString.replace('%s', jsStack[i].script.toString());
- printStack(displayString);
- }
- }
- }
- function selectFrame(frameNum) {
- currentFrame = frameNum;
- selectScriptLine(jsStack[currentFrame].lineno, jsStack[currentFrame].script.fileName, "", frameNum);
- }
- function debugEval(text) {
- var scopeChain = jsd.GetScopeChainForStackFrame(jsStack[currentFrame].handle);
- var ret;
- try {
- ret = jsd.EvaluateScriptInStackFrame.apply(scopeChain, [jsStack[currentFrame].handle, text]);
- } catch (e) {
- return e;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- function watch(i, text) {
- if (jsStack && text != "") {
- var ret = debugEval(text);
- printWatch(i, text, ret.toString());
- } else {
- printWatch(i, text, IDS_CANNOT_EVALWATCH);
- }
- }
- function changeLocal(varName, value, bThis) {
- if (jsStack) {
- var ret = debugEval(varName + " = " + value + ";");
- listRecursive(bThis);
- }
- }
- function scriptExists(fileName) {
- for(var i in JSDScript.scripts) {
- if (fileName == JSDScript.scripts[i].fileName)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function listScriptFunctions(fileName) {
- var o = new Object();
- for(var i in JSDScript.scripts) {
- var script = JSDScript.scripts[i];
- if (script && fileName == script.fileName)
- o[script.funName] = script.base;
- }
- for(var i in o)
- printFunction(i, o[i]);
- }